Xreart iPhone 4S Teardown Frame P/N: HKIP04S Model: iPhone 4S Frame size (length / width / height): 45cm / 32,8cm / 3,3cm Template paper size (length / width): 30cm / 30cm Xreart
iPhone Teardown Frame is a tribute to the iPhone, we build this iPhone
frame by hand to present each part of the devi..
Xreart iPhone 5S Teardown Frame P/N: HKIP05S Model: iPhone 5S Frame size (length / width / height): 33cm / 33cm / 3,5cm Template paper size (length / width): 30cm / 30cm Xreart
iPhone Teardown Frame is a tribute to the iPhone, we build this iPhone
frame by hand to present each part of the device..